Friday, April 5, 2013

birdie favors

solitary bird

Flight of Birds

            Just completed a series of favors for a friend's wedding.    These 2 x 2 x 2 boxes were filled with two miniature French macarons, the perfect finish to a perfect celebration.  Many guests were scrambling for more macarons and unattended favors were emptied and devoured in a flash.

           Place one at each place setting, inscribe with guests seating arrangements. The luscious chocolate colored box, would be yummy filled with a single white chocolate truffle or seeded bar.  The choices are endless.

chocolate birdie

Congregation of Birds

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

swarm of butterflies

As the kids were growing up, our favorite book was a compilation of collective nouns.   An amazing array of collective nouns;  a murder of crows, an army of frogs, and a swarm of butterflies, to name a few.  

A smarm of butterflies accents each of these springtime favors.  Nestled within each acetate cube conceals a spring bulb, each with growing instructions tucked inside.   These favors house a single lily bulb, cushioned with Reindeer moss and topped with a butterfly accent.

Otherwise at Christmas, tuck an amaryllis bulb or a trio of paperwhites, all bulbs are a pleasant surprise.  A touch of Spring.